The View

Last week, I mentioned a shoot on the streets of New York commissioned by our London office. Apparently they were pleased with the shots that I delivered and asked me for another shoot. This one, however, was to be a landscape of a city. Because it’s being used for the cover of a global publication, it had to be generic, and not immediately recognizable of a particular city. Additionally it had to be taken at night, had to be an aerial shot, and I had two days (over a holiday weekend) to turn it around. Oh yeah, and practically no budget.

So I pulled together the location resources I had available: First things first, I need a city. I live in New York City, how convenient. City, check! Next, I need a helicopter. Crap. Ok, new plan, I need a tall building. Obvious choice, the Empire State Building. Unfortunately, the ESB doesn’t allow tripods or any other equipment. I would be going this one alone with my camera, my less than rock steady mitts, and about 1000 German tourists.

A side note to tourists: When you go up to the 86th floor observatory, you first are taken to the 80th floor, then you have to take a second elevator the last six floors to 86th floor. They give you the option of taking the stairs instead of waiting for that last elevator. Those of us who are used to climbing stairs and doing lots of walking can bound of up those six flights pretty fast. If you are old, disabled, or overweight and not used to climbing stairs, WAIT FOR THE ELEVATOR. Apparently, this advice comes too late for all the elderly, disabled, and fat people wheezing and limping up the stairs in front of me last night.

Anyways, I’ve submitted my images to London for review. Hopefully they’ll find something they like. Here are a couple of outtakes.

View from Empire State Building

View from Empire State Building

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